
Monday, July 11, 2011

An Amazing_Food_Connection

Amazing opportunities have richly blessed my life. I work at Center Partners. Yes, It's a call center, But I get to talk to you and you and you. Every day. You and You and You are amazing. and I love what I do.

In the lunch room, I met Joe. A young man, twenty years my junior, at least but we connected in a way that I enjoy. You see he cooks.

Yes, I know that may sounds funny but really he's a of a person of with an amazing understanding of food. Just talking to him about food is a delight. His whole soul lights up. The big difference between us if that he can cook for large groups and I can cook for a small family.

Where we connect is that I understand food. One of my passions is reading cook books. However, in real life I either burn the food I prepare or it comes out of the kitchen in shifts. My poor family have been teasing me about this for years. In fact, our family lived in an apartment once around the corner from a High School. One his way home, one day, my son smelt smoke and said to his friend. "Uh oh, My Mom's been cooking again!" The horrible part of the story is that he was right. I had become distracted...probably reading a cook book....and burnt dinner.

Then there was the time that our family and guests had to eat our Thanksgiving dinner in shifts....but that's another story for another time.

Today I wanted you to meet Joe. I hope that we can discuss foods together here and that we can find recipes to share that will be a rich blessings for your life.

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