
Monday, September 19, 2011

Day of Service

Saturday, I joined with around 1000 volunteers from several religions in giving service to our community.  This was organized by volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I live in the Northwest part of Idaho, near Canada and the winters here can be harsh.  For example, two or three winters ago I got in my car to go to work one morning, pushed the button that lifted the garage door and couldn’t back my car out because the snow was three feet deep. I was completely shocked.  I didn’t know that snow could fall so deeply, so quickly.  When I went to bed the night before there was only about 2 inches of snow on the ground. You may have heard of the white out that the Spokane Region of the United States had a couple of years ago.  That is the region I live in. Winterizing our homes is important.  I mention this because that is the reason why this project was so important.

It’s also why the other two projects, the scraping and repainting of City Gazebos is vital to preserving the opportunities that families have when using our parks.

So we winterized, we scraped, we painted and then we ate, danced and shared.  A wonderful group of musicians, Coeurimba, set our toes tapping and our children twirling.  Kasia Haroldsen, a local artist, from Spokane, wrote an original work of music titled “I am a Follower of Jesus Christ” that was used as background music, Super One Foods, a chain of local grocery stores, provided the food, and Jason and Heather Ball organized a huge list of community organizations under the direction of The Hayden Lake, Idaho Stake Presidency, Dirk Baird, Dave Asper and Grant Oyler.
I wish I could list all the people that contributed to the organization of this day, like Rusty Dan, but I can’t. but I can tell you, it was awesome and here are a few pictures that I hope you enjoy.

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