
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Horse Liniment?

With age, have come aches, pains, stiff joints and if you are my age, well I think you know what I'm talking about.  I heard that relief was available in the form of a horse liniment.  What?

Well, I don't know about you but when it comes to getting rid of aches and pains I'll try anything natural once. 

So this morning I stopped in the Feed Store, Yes, I said Feed Store and bought some horse liniment....Veterinary Liniment Gel actually.

Absorbine, Veterinary Liniment Gel to be exact. A topical analgesic for sore muscles and joint pain relief.  When I checked out the gal at the desk asked.  Are you using this for yourself?

"Honestly?"  I replied.  "Yes."

She laughed and said, "I thought so.  No one buys this stuff for their horses.  They use it for themselves.  I know I do."

That made me feel better.  However, I was afraid the smell would send my family running out of the house.  Was I ever surprised!  It actually smelled like spearmint.  And oh the RELIEF!  Thank you Horse Liniment people.

My problem now?  I keep finding new aches that I didn't know hurt before!  Good thing I bought the big bottle!

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