
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mid Summer

An almost cool morning, and on my way to work, the signs of mid to late summer are everywhere.  The grain fields on the corner of Ramsey Road and Prairie Avenue are filled with geese filling their fat bellies before they spring into the sky and continue their journey.  I stopped to take this picture and the dang birds wouldn’t tell me where they were headed…they just got up and flew off.  Rude creatures!
A mile or so down the road, at the Lutheran Church, I met a delightful woman, who had far better manners than the geese.  She invited me inside the fenced area to view their community garden.  This lovely garden, a 1 year old work of art, can be seen from Ramsey Road, just North of Kathleen Avenue in Coeur d’Alene, ID.  I love the combination of flowers and vegetables and structures that have been included.
Good Manners or not, I can’t wait to feel a cool breeze on my face again and be able to eat all the summer squash, peas and fresh corn that my round little belly can hold and let my mind fly away into the clouds of peaceful sleep.  Hmmmm!  Perfection waits!

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