
Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 6 6.13.11

Saturday I attended a volunteer appreciation breakfast at the Kootenai Library. Coeur d’Alene Idaho, Mayor Sandy Bloom attended and spoke to us. She and the breakfast were delightful. The breakfast was held in the basement room of the library, which overlooks the beautiful Coeur d’ Alene Parkway State Park. A delicious breakfast of eggs and muffins was enjoyed along with Harp and Flute music. David Townsend, acted the part of a lost world traveler from Idaho much to the delight of all attending.

I met wonderful people who have volunteered in the library, such as the “Bubble Lady”. She has volunteered for 17 years so that the children and adults of this community can have a wonderful experience when they visit their library. She was one of the many examples of the love poured into this community through this facility.

One of the programs I have been involved with for the past three years is being a judge in the Writer’s Contest that students of the local school system participate in. It has been my privilege to read hundreds of submissions. I have tried to respond to each writer as I am truly appreciative of the years of hard work they put into their submissions.

Sitting at my breakfast table was a talented young lady named Maggie Maile. Just that morning she wrote the following poem. I was impressed and wanted to share it with you. Thanks Maggie!

Within these Walls

by: Maggie Maile

Within these walls,

Adventures begin,

Mysteries are solved

And romance is found


Knowledge is shared,

Fun takes place and

First words are spoken.

Within these walls

Friends are reunited

And strangers help one

Another, and

Within these walls

Children learn and grow

Magic is discovered

And memories are

Forever remembered.

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